Songs are a wonderful way to teach children! Anything set to music or rhyme will stay in the child’s mind so much better than just telling them information.
There are songs for learning scriptures (like many devotional songs) and for learning memory work such as the books of the Old & New Testaments, Apostles, Sons of Jacob, Plagues, and Days of Creation.
Since I ALWAYS love a visual when I teach anything, the Sons of Jacob, Judges, Ten Plagues, and Days of Creation patterns became song charts to teach those concepts. You could use those same patterns to create flip charts if you preferred that over the larger chart.
All you need is poster board, letters purchased or made on a die cut machine, magic markers, and a pattern. I love the patterns that I copied from Ideashop magazine several years ago, but you could also use patterns found online or in pattern books. Just keep the pictures simple and colorful.
When using songs to teach, choose familiar tunes. Remember that the point isn’t about teaching music, it is teaching the Bible. We don’t want our students to struggle with remembering “how the song goes.” Brushing up on familiar tunes like “Mary Had a Little Lamb,””Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” and “Ten Little Indians,” will be an easy way to teach your students all sorts of memory work!

What’s the song/tune for the plagues? thanks!
This is a rather lengthy song. It originally came from Ideashop magazine,Summer 2004 issue and written by Judy Van Dyke. The tune is Wise Man Built His House Upon the rock. I’ll just give you once verse for now since it is so long. It goes:
God turned the water in the river to blood. The fish all died and stunk in the mud. The Lord said, “Let my people go,” but Pharaoh still said, “No!”
Chorus: Oh, the plagues came down; the Egyptians cried! Moses had Aaron by his side. God was their one and only guide, But Pharaoh still said, “No!”
I’ve never heard that before! Would love if in the future you could provide it. I have those visuals in my Bible school box! Thanks 🙂
I called the Gospel Advocate and they don’t have any IdeaShop magazines archived. I would love to be able to sing it with this group of 4-5 year olds, but I have misplaced my binder!! It is the best 10 plagues song that I have found. I can make do with the lyrics if you could share them (would love to have it all). Since GA no longer offers it for sale I am sure they wouldn’t mind you sharing it since it is sharing the Bible with Children. Thank you, Teresa
It is really too long to publish here, so I am sending it to your email address. Let me know if it came through alright.
Can you please send me the words to the plague song?
Thank you.
I don’t have my original copy, but I did find lyrics on this website. Hope this helps!
Do you have templates of the 10 plagues somewhere you coul send me.
Thank you
I found the 10 plagues in IdeaShop magazine published by Gospel Advocate in Nashville, TN. It is no longer in publication, but if contacted, they may have templates or past issues to sell.
Could you please send me the words also?
Sorry that I am just now seeing this. I will send it to you.
Do you have the template or coloring page for the 12 sons of Jacob? Those are the best I’ve seen.
It came from a copy of Ideashop magazine. Are you familiar with it?
Would you please also send me the words to the ten plagues song.
Can we contact the Ideashop magazine is there an address to contact to order old copies.
I’m not sure that there are old copies available, but you can ask at Debbie Bumbalough was the one who worked with the publication. I am going to print the words to the songs on the blog for everyone to see. I’ve had several people who asked.
I would love to have the words to the 10 plagues song. Would you be king enough to send them to me as well?
Thank you,
Darlene Sheaffer
The tune is to “The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock”. You sing the chorus after each verse.
1-God Turned the water in the river to blood. The fish all died and stunk in the mud. The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
Chorus-Oh, the plagues came down; the Egyptians cried! Moses had Aaron by this side. God was their one and only guide, but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
2-Out of the river frogs did pour, Jumped in the beds and ovens and floor. The Lord said “Let my people go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
3- Aaron struck the dust of the ground. The dust turned to lice and swarmed all around. The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
4- Then came the swarms of the nasty flies, Filled people’s houses and buzzed in their eyes.The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
5- Then on the animals disease did creep, killed the cattle donkeys and sheep. The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
6- Moses scattered dust of ashes in the air. Boils broke out in sores everywhere. The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
7- Thunder rolled and hail rained down. Mixed with fire that darted to the ground.
The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
8- A strong east wind brought lucusts to the scene, covered the earth ate everything green.The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
9- Three days passed when they could not see. Egypt was dark and black as could be.The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
10-Then one night all of Egypt cried. God passed through and the first born died.
The Lord said, “Let my people Go” but Pharaoh still said, “No”.
Final Chorus:
Oh, the plagues came down; the Egyptians cried! Moses had Aaron by this side. God was their one and only guide, And Pharaoh finally said, “GO”!
Found in Ideashop Magazine
3 years and up love the plague song. It is so much fun to sing especially if you are animated about it.
Doing a Unit on Moses in Sunday School and came across the wonderful visuals and songs. I think saying it in rhythm with some “umph” to it has merit. I love the 12 Tribes also! Some things NEVER go out of style. . .thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for that song! I was hoping to find something I could sing with each plague and the one I grew up and know is just way to long for the younger kids all at once. I can at least break this song up as I teach each plague!