Well after several months of talking about it and thinking about it, I now have my website for Bible class teachers! I have believed for a long time that there should be much more encouragement and help for our Bible class teachers. After all, aren’t our teachers doing one of the most important works in the church? We have a big responsibility in helping to train the next generation of Christians! Too often someone over the Bible class program will find the first warm body they can find, stick a teacher’s manual in their hand, and basically say, “Here, go warm & fill them” with no more help or preparation than that! Even a fast food restaurant worker doesn’t flip a hamburger without some training and yet we take one of the most important jobs in the church and provide no preparation or training! Something is wrong with this picture!
As I am getting things started on this blog, it is my plan to post a new article a few times per week at the beginning and then about once per week after things are better established. You can go ahead and check out the pages for articles, games, crafts, lessons, and special needs. There are some articles already posted. If you have any specific ideas for things you’d like to see, please email me. I may have a future post already planned and if I don’t (and if it is possible), I’ll address your questions.
I hope that you will find the articles on this site encouraging and the ideas useful to help make your Bible classes a fun and exciting place to learn God’s word!
Kim, this site is wonderful! I absolutely love everything I have seen, and I checked out everything.
Thank you so much, Janie. I have a lot more stuff ready to post in upcoming days! Feel free to share ideas with me as well. I think you were the first Bible class teacher that I knew of who did fun games & activities in your Bible classes many years ago!
To your coment about finding a warm body and sending them forth to teach, I say, “Amen, Sister”. This does happen and what a shame. I love you blog.
Thanks Sara!
er…make that YOUR blog.