
Freedom From Want

Remember this Norman Rockwell painting that we often see during the holidays? It portrays a large family, happily gathered around the dinner table, eagerly anticipating the carving of the roasted turkey. Several generations are joined together to celebrate the occasion.

The back story of the painting is that Rockwell painted it in 1942 during World War II. He was inspired by Franklin D. Roosevelt’s State of the Union address to the United States Congress in 1941 which described four freedoms. This painting known as “Freedom from Want,” was third in the series. Others included “Freedom of Speech,” “Freedom of Worship,” and “Freedom from Fear.” These paintings were featured in The Saturday Evening Post and were used by the government to promote patriotism.

As I thought about the title of that painting, “Freedom From Want,” I began to take inventory. Each morning, I wake up in a soft, cushy bed, in my comfortable heated and air conditioned home. I turn on indoor plumbing to enjoy a hot shower. I do laundry using an automatic washer and dryer. I open an overloaded freezer and refrigerator to plan what to serve for dinner. I go to the garage to drive my car to work. I have instant communication with family members hundreds of miles away via phone calls and texts.

Can you imagine what our ancestors, even a couple of generations ago, would have thought about our lives today?  Words like “rich,” and “spoiled,” come to mind. And yet, if we asked most Americans today, “Are you rich?” most would emphatically answer “absolutely not!” The problem is that we have the wrong measuring stick for who are the rich and who are the poor. We have an insatiable desire to have more that what we currently have and a failure to appreciate how blessed we really are! 

Let’s stop complaining (Philippians 2:14), give thanks for what we do have (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 5:20), and learn to be content (Philippians 4:11-13). If we put God first, we will have what we really need (Matthew 6:33) and have the promise that He will not leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5)! What an incredible blessing that is!

While we all may have “wants,” the reality is that most of us have have never been “in want.” May we all remember to show gratitude for God’s blessings, not only on a once-a-year holiday, but in our daily lives!